Crous grant
The Crous offers different aid schemes: grants based on social criteria, specific aid, merit, mobility, etc. Please note that certain aid schemes are not accessible to international exchange students.
Attendance requirements
Students with grants are required to attend classes, internships, practical work and seminars. Exam attendance and continued assessment are required, under penalty of reimbursement of the sums received. All absences must be justified.
For more information in French, click here
Housing Aid (Caf)
Personalized Housing Aid or APL is financial assistance for housing paid by the French National Housing Agency (Caf). It is granted to tenants in rented, sublet or shared accommodation, in a student hall of residence (Crous) or in social housing.
All students and international students (EU citizens or with a valid residence permit) can apply. Apply for benefits as soon as you move into your accommodation.
How to apply
Tutorials will guide you through the process of applying for housing benefits. They are available in French, English and Spanish on the Caf website.
- Go to the Caf website.
- Enter your postal code in the “choisir ma Caf” pop-up window (e.g. 49000 for Angers).
- Go to “Aides et démarches” then “Accéder à mes démarches”.
- Run a simulation to estimate the amount of assistance or apply directly by going to “Faire une demande de prestation en ligne” then “Logement”.
- Create your account.
You can create your account even if you don’t yet have a French social security number: see the document entitled “Première demande allocation logement étudiant” (First application for student housing benefit). - Apply for housing aid.
- Remember to upload your supporting documents at the end of your application: “Mon compte” > “Suivre mes démarches” > “à transmettre”
Supporting documents:
- Identification (passport),
- A rental contract (bail) or a CROUS accommodation certificate available on mes services é,
- A bank identity statement (RIB or IBAN),
- A birth certificate,
- For students from countries outside the European Union: a copy of the document validating the residence permit (VLS-TS).
Some tips to help you
- In the question “Vous êtes étudiant” choose “non-boursier” if you are not receiving a grant from the French government. The Erasmus+ grant is not a French government grant.
- Answer “Oui” to the question “Vous êtes affilié à la Sécurité sociale étudiante ou couvert par la Sécurité sociale de vos parents” (you are registered with the student social security or covered by your parents’ social security).
- Concerning your nationality, students from the European Union can select “EEE ou Suisse” for the other nationalities “Autres “.
- Lastly, in the question concerning the characteristics of the accommodation, you should indicate “Logement décent ⇒ Oui” (Decent accommodation ⇒ Yes).
When will I receive benefits?
You can receive housing benefits the month after you move into your accommodation. You will not receive housing benefits for the 1st month.
For example, if you move into your accommodation in September and apply for APL, you will be entitled to benefits from October, which will be paid between the 5th and 10th of November.
If you apply and live in a Crous student hall of residence, they will receive the housing benefits directly and deduct the amount from your rent.
I’m moving or leaving France
For Crous student halls of residence
You don’t have to do anything, as the Crous will directly notify the Caf of your departure.
For all other accommodation
- Go to “Mes démarches” and click on “Déclarer un changement”.
- cross out “adresse” and then click on “Suivant”
- Change the address for your new address in France or abroad.
- Fill in the additional information requested and click on “Confirmer”.
This will close your account. If you are staying in the Maine et Loire department, you can submit a new application for our new accommodation.
If you are leaving the department, you must create a new account and submit a new application for your new accommodation.
Aid simulator
To find out about all the grants and subsidies for which you may be eligible, you can run a simulation on the #1jeune1solution national website. Please note that if you depend financially on your parents, you must enter their overall gross income (latest tax notice).
UA by your side
Find all support schemes on UA’s support platform. The platform is in French only, but you can use the browser translation function.
You can also make an appointment with UA’s social workers:
- by telephone +33(0)2 41 22 69 10
- by email:
Student job
The UA Careers Centre (SUIO-IP) help students build their career plans and can also help find student jobs. Student job ads are available on the Ipoline platform.