
More than 60 student associations offer a large spectrum of activities on the different campuses to enrich your experience at the University of Angers.

Find all the assiciations sorted by topic on the  University of Angers‘ website (in French).

The topics are: culture, environment, career, international, cohesion, solidarity, public health, tutoring, community, representation, science and technology, sports.

La Parenthèse

This student space hosts cultural events and projects by associations and students. It is also a space where students can meet up between courses, study or relax.

The UA Student Association charter

The University of Angers encourages and supports student associations through the student association charter. This charter promotes the development of community life and a vibrant student environment. The charter also promotes the work and presence of student associations on the campuses and give them access to services and funding.

Student initiative support

UA has human and financial means to support student associations with their projects (culture, community, humanitarian aid, solidarity, sports, etc.).

Do you have an idea or do you need help?
Contact us: